Ramiel – bracelet set

15.990 Ft

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SKU: ABE30 Category:

Ramiel hematite crystal bracelet and mountain crystal bracelet set.


Hematite crystal healing properties:

Hematite has a stong yang power that balances the meridians, brings power and dynamism into our lives. It helps to overcome addictions, improves concentration, strengthens the memory.


Physical effects:
It raises low blood pressure, has a general blood cleansing effect, improves blood circulation, reduces pain and helps iron deficiency problems.


Warning: In case of high blood pressure, wear it carefully because it raises blood pressure. It should also be used with care when having inflammatory problems.


Spiritual effects of the mountain crystal:

It clears our thoughts and improves understanding. Help to disappear fears, even nightmares can disappear thank to the power of the crystal. It clears negative energies. It helps the soul-spirit-body connection. Due to their effects, the rock crystals are also known as master healers.


Physical effect of the crystal:

It harmonizes the hormonal system. Stimulates digestion and intestinal function. It can also help with sleep disorders. The crystal can also be beneficial for eye problems.


Wishing you all powerful and energy-filled moments with you new jewels.


The gift is such a lovely way to express our care to our loved ones. Perfect present for birthdays, memorable events, farewell ceremonies or other special occasions.


Holistic healing abilities mentioned above never replace but can help medical treatments. NaYa mineral jewelleries are not for curing illnesses, using them for phisycal or mental healing is the decision of the customer only we can not take any responsibility for the fact that.



  •  Judy Hall’s Crystal Companion
  • Judy Hall: Crystal Bible
  • Dr. Csomai Zita: Gyógyító kristályok

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